These airways are flexible PVC tubes with the following features:
— a patented Parker Flex-Tip® at the distal end of the tube which facilitates easy insertion and advancement of the tube through the nose and nasopharynx. Comparative clinical studies in the U.S. and Japan have reported that Parker endotracheal tubes with the Flex-Tip are “significantly less traumatic” to the airway during nasotracheal intubation than standard-tip tubes. (1,2)
— a slidable depth ring that is designed to prevent inadvertent slipping of the tube into the nasal airway beyond the desired depth.
— a 15 mm connector that may be inserted into the flared proximal end of the tube to enable connection to bag or mechanical ventilation devices.
1 Sanuki T, et al. The Parker Flex-Tip tube for nasotracheal intubation; the influence on nasal mucosal trauma, Anaesthesia.2010;65;8-11.
2 Prior S, et al. Parker Flex-Tip and Standard-Tip Endotracheal Tubes: A Comparison During Nasotracheal Intubation, Anesth Prog. 2010;57:18-24.