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Dental I.V. Sedation Kit

Collections: Emergency Equipment

Product type: Sedation Kit

Vendor: OMS Supply

Tags: sedation kit


$ 3,395.00

The Pro Med I.V. Sedation Equipment Kit has all the emergency equipment you need by law to perform mild sedation in your office except for the patient monitor (see Q series for the recommended patient monitor).  The kit does not include (IV catheters, syringes, emergency drugs, drug stickers or fluids.  For that contact Jef Taylor at Salis (480)300-1742.  This kit is great for dental clinics or residents who are just beginning sedation in a private practice setting.   If this I.V. sedation equipment kit has more than you need, please contact a Pro Med consultant for a quote. This kit includes the following products:

- Ambu Res-Q-Vac manual backup suction 

- Portable O2 Cart with Therapy Regulator

- Oxygen E-Cylinder with Key  (Not Pictured)

- Zoll AED Plus with Adult or Pediatric Pads

- 2 Yankauer Vac Tips (Not Pictured)

- Disposable Ambu Bag (Adult or Pediatric) 

- Magill Forceps (Adult or Pediatric)

- Laryngoscope (Mac or Miller Blades)

- Cricothyrotomy Kit (Adult or Pediatric) 

- Stethoscope

- Manual Sphygmomanometer

- Pocket Mask

- ET Tube Set

- ET Tube Stylet (Adult or Pediatric) 

- Oral Airway Kit

- Disposable LMA Kit (Adult or Pediatric)

-Disposable Nasal Trumpets (Adult or Pediatric)

- IV Pole (Not Pictured)

- Backup Lighting (Head Lamp) w/ Batteries

- Case of ECG Pads (qty: 600)  (Not Pictured)

- Oxygen Cannulas (qty: 50)  (Not Pictured)


Please Specify in your order details if you need pediatric or adult.



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